Azenta Life Sciences IntelliXcap Automated Screw Cap Decapper/Recapper 96-format, Extended Height is specifically designed to work with taller 96-format SBS racked tubes. It's extremely fast and works with multiple sample storage tube types from a range of tube manufacturers in 96 format. Capable of de-capping a complete rack of 96 tubes in as little as 20 seconds.
With the flexibility to work with multiple labware types, the system can decap nasal swabs with integral caps, such as RHINOstic® Automated Swab. It's ideal for scaling up in swab-based sample workflows where increased throughput requires automation for efficiency and precise handling of samples.
The IntelliXcap combined with the RHINOstic Automated Swab increases throughput while decreasing turnaround times and per-test costs for laboratories using swab sample collection for home kits, multi-analyte respiratory panels, genetic testing, and other types of test kits.