To help you decide which method of antibody production is the most appropriate for your needs, we will look at the process, benefits, and challenges of each one.
While the differences between automated and manual storage may appear strictly mechanical, they have far-reaching consequences for sample quality, resource utilization, and collection management.
Samples for ultra-low input RNA-Seq require careful preparation to maintain RNA quality. Find out how to submit low-input samples for the best results.
Diagnosed with cancer at age five, Emily Whitehead was the first child to receive CAR T-cell therapy in 2011. Now, her family is helping other children.
Manufacturing and distribution of cell and gene therapies relies on stable low temperatures. Explore ways to increase rigor when storing CGT materials.
With this tutorial on RNA-Seq data analysis, learn which skills and tools you’ll need, the basics of the software, and example bioinformatics workflows.